Summer School is a traditional NEPC annual learning event for teachers, policy-makers, policy-analysts, practitioners, researchers and education friends from all over the world.

Summer schools in the past have covered wide range of topics related to education (teachers’ policy, inclusive education, education for sustainability) with the aim of inspiring change in education system and were attended by several participants every year!

Summer School gathers faculty from prestigious universities and highly experienced trainers from all over the world and it combines theory, practice and interactive sessions.


Tackling Economic Inequalities in Schools

Brela, Croatia, July 2-6, 2018 Read more


Poverty in Education: what do we know and what can we do?

Mitrovicë I Kosovo 2nd – 8th July 2017 Download report


Managing Change and Uncertainty: Education for the Future

Shkembi Kavajes I Durres 3rd – 9th July 2016 Download report


Education – incubator for a sustainable future: how can public education empower citizens for global sustainability?
28th June – 2nd July 2015, Serbia Download Report


Inclusive schools – Foundation of a Socially Just Society
29 June – 5 July 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina Download Report


Empowering teachers for 21st Century
1st until 6th July, Montenegro


Education for Sustainability: ecologically sound and socially fair future as an educational aim
1st 7th July, Croatia


School governance: the challenges of decentralization, autonomy and social responsibility
July 4th – July 8th 2011, Macedonia


Educational leadership in transitioning societies
June 28th till July 2nd, Georgia


Curriculum Policies: Making Education Respond to Society and the Labour Market
13th 17th July, Croatia


Linking education research policy and practice
21st 25th July, Slovenia