Education in BiH: What Do We (not) Teach Children? A study by proMENTE

What do we teach children? And what do we not teach? proMente social research answered these questions in a research that analyzed a total of 2,688 lessons in 68 textbooks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research was conducted during the 2015/2016 school year and was done with the intention of evaluating the results of the primary education. The analysis was carried out by teams of experts for individual subjects – mother tongue and literature, history, geography and religious education. The results of the research unequivocally showed that no essential change in the concept and approach to education was materialized in textbooks created within the reform during the last ten years. They do not affirm the values of democratic society, active citizenship and social involvement, nor do they sufficiently instigate the development of critical thinking, creativity and active learning. What was determined and demonstrated is that the dominant system of values in textbooks stands in opposition to the proclaimed goals of the reform and that it fundamentally relies on the sociocentric and conservative way of thinking, meaning that the pupils are often imputed with opinions and stances, while critical thinking is hindered. The dominant pedagogical function of analysed textbooks is interpretative and ideological/political, based on factography and focused on transferring information without any serious intent of including the pupils and enabling them to be active in the learning process. The goal achieved in this way is reproduction, and not the construction of knowledge and skills. The research report is available at the link below – more info at proMente

Research Report “Education in BiH: What Do We (Not) Teach Children?“

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