Inclusion of youngsters from vulnerable socio-economic context: the “Choice Program” in Portugal

SIRIUS’ member High Commission for Migration in Portugal (ACM) received on May 3rd and 4th several other SIRIUS’ members and stakeholders for the SIRIUS Peer Learning Activity, promoted by ACM and the University of Porto (CIIE). The peer learning activity was organised in the frame of the SIRIUS network fourth (besides SIRIUS watch, SIRIUS national round tables and SIRIUS annual meetings) course of actions, dedicated to the exploration of the most interesting policies and practices for migrants’ education in Europe. At the centre of the delegation visit was the presentation of the “Programa Escolhas“/”Choice Program”, a government national programme created in 2001, managed by the Portuguese High Commission for Migration, with the mission of promoting the social inclusion of children and young people from vulnerable socio-economic contexts, aiming at equality of opportunities and strengthen social cohesion. Currently, the program is financing 112 local projects. The Choice Program foresees five strategic areas of intervention and measures:  education and training (school inclusion and non-formal education, professional training and qualification); employability and employment; participation, civic and community rights and duties; digital inclusion and empowerment and entrepreneurship. It aims at tackling several issues, such as school dropout, unemployment and deviant behaviour of vulnerable groups. Find out more  

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