The Primary Colours of Education I NEPC @10

NEPC organized International Conference The Primary Colours of Education in Cavtat 13th & 14th April 2016. The conference covered a wide range of topics, described education policies and practices in the NEPC region and beyond: outlining the factors that influence education, exploring education reforms and reflecting on old and emerging challenges in education systems. In the context of the closing societies, education can and should enhance the social change: empowering present generation to design the future world, providing students knowledge on global issues and trends and support them in active engagement in the local communities. The role of NEPC in the next decade would be to empower and support its members in becoming stronger actors of social changes. Quoting the key note speaker opening the conference, Batuhan Aydagul in the next decade we’ll need to arm ourselves with OPTIMISM, EMPATHY and CRITICAL CREATIVITY.
  The conference in numbers: 2 days 5 key note speakers 7 panels 12 lectures 2 workshops 40 speakers 75 participants
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