Golubeva, M. Korbar A. (2013)
The Open Society Fund Prague supports the development of an open society and promotes systemic changes that help to strengthen democracy in the Czech Republic. It encourages non-governmental non-profit organizations, civic initiatives, and individuals to actively influence conditions in their region and in their country. Through open calls for proposals, it distributes grants for promoting transparency and effectiveness of public administration, equal chances to education for all children, equal opportunities for women and men and as well as prevention and help for the victims of domestic violence.
Since 1992, we distributed more than 1,78 billion crowns for more than 9,500 projects. In the 1990s, the foundation supported the creation and growth of palliative care centers. It also introduced the concept of watchdog organizations engaged in defending the public’s interests, and it works to promote the concept of inclusive education.
Education Reform Initiative (ERG) is an independent and not-for-profit think-and-do-tank that contributes to systemic transformation in education for development of the child and society through sound evidence, constructive dialogue and innovative/critical thinking. Evidence-based decision-making processes in education concerning stakeholder engagement and ensuring the access of all children to quality education are the key elements of systemic transformation.
ERG, established in 2003, is a good example for the Turkish civil society, since it is an initiative supported by leading foundations in Turkey. ERG carries out its’ research and education activities through ERG Education Observatory unit and Education Laboratory.
The Educational Research Institute (ERI) was established in 1965 and is the central institution in Slovenia for research in education undertaking basic research, development and applied projects on issues of current interest in all sectors of education and related areas. ERI performs its activities in the context of the national research program (1999-2019) as a public service. Its’ researchers publish scientific works containing results arising out of formal research undertaken at the ERI, theoretical and empirical papers contributing to the development of educational theory, and discussion articles on research topics.
Its work is carried out by 30 experts coming from different educational fields and covering different research areas and methodological approaches of educational research (pedagogy, andragogy, sociology, psychology, philosophy, anthropology, rhetoric and argumentation, political science). The last allows the ERI to successfully carry out a multidisciplinary approach and ensure to tackle the research problems and topics from different perspectives and enable to provide the overall approach to lifelong learning.
PZ-International, The Centre for Knowledge Promotion is a research and development organization. It is also registered as a research organization at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Slovenia.
The Centre specializes in evaluation, analysis and development of new systems of education, assessment and certification. It also specializes in organization and quality control in educational processes, in promotion and public relations in education and in other related fields. The Centre keeps up to date with the latest developments in science and technology in various fields and uses them for new approaches in solving problems and for improving existing solutions. The Centre supports and aims to develop alternative approaches, solutions and innovations, which are effective and in accordance with further development, in varying cultural contexts and social circumstances.
Its present projects focus on evaluation of education systems, development of assessment systems, baseline studies in the field of education, various statistical analyses and preparing expert opinions for the introduction of changes into the national education system of Slovenia, in both general and professional/vocational education.
The Centre provides expertise and broad experience for the services offered as well as technical equipment for preparation and analysis of questionnaires. The Centre cooperates with many Slovene and foreign experts of different background.
Centre for Education Policy (CEP) is an independent multidisciplinary research centre that provides professional support to decision makers and practitioners in developing, implementing and evaluating policies in the field of education. To complement these, CEP continually strives to identify and bring to light areas in need to be addressed by both decision makers and scientific community, while strongly advocating in favour of informing education policy and practice with evidence provided through social science research.
The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (MSSES) is an accredited, global, educational institution. Since 1995, MSSES has worked actively to provide various programs of higher education – namely master’s degrees – and professional training. The main aim of the Moscow School’s founders was to create a university in Russia that could compete with the best universities in the world. Six years before the signing of the Bologna Declaration, the Moscow School had already adopted the “Bologna structure”.
In order to ensure excellence, the Moscow School has selected the best Russian scholars and trained them in leading Western universities. It has also created an academic library that to this day remains unique in terms of maintaining Western library standards in a Russian university. Furthermore, the Moscow School has created curricula and programs that have since been accredited by either British universities or the Russian Department of Education.
Working in harmony with both the Russian and British education systems, the Moscow School offers programs in professional retraining and implements the most effective methods of teaching and self-training.
Pedagogical Center of Montenegro (PCMNE) was founded in November 2000 in Podgorica, with its basic aim to offer support to people who are ready to make a sacrifice in order to build an open society in Montenegro and who will protect and take care of freedom which they achieved for future generations. Pedagogical Center of Montenegro is a professional pedagogical institution which gathers eminent pedagogues of Montenegro, who tend to improve educational system of Montenegro through different projects. PCMNE deals intensively with professional advanced teacher training. It introduces new models of work into the educational process, edits professional literature and textbooks, organizes national and international professional meetings, seminars, conferences, etc.
In harmony with its basic aim, PCMNE’s main field is educational system of Montenegro. The Center was founded in order to support reforms of educational system of Montenegro, and also to help the continual process of innovating and improving that system. All the interested factors of educational process are gathered by the programs of Pedagogical Center of Montenegro. These factors are children, parents, teachers, directors, pedagogues, psychologists, governmental and non-governmental institutions and organizations which deal with education, and also international educational institutions and associations.
The Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives “Step by Step” – Macedonia supports the development of an open society through activities in the field of education, art, culture, publishing, as well as human (children’s) rights and civil society. The Foundation guides, coordinates, participates in and directly implements activities that promote innovation, progress and development of the work of preschool institutions and primary schools in the Republic of Macedonia.
The Foundation for Education and Cultural Initiatives “Step by Step” – Macedonia was established as a nongovernmental organization with the aim to continue the educational program “Step by Step” that has started with its implementation in 1994, as regional program of Open Society Institute – New York and George Town University from Washington D.C.
The Foundation “Step by Step” – Macedonia is part of the International Step by Step Association (International Step By Step Association (ISSA) and through its actions fully supports and acts upon the ISSA principles for quality pedagogical practice:
The Step by Step Foundation implements programs in partnership with the ministries, educational and cultural institutions, domestic and foreign CSO’s and supports innovative approaches and strategies for implementing children’s rights and developing the full potential of children through different initiatives.
The Mongolian Education Alliance (MEA) is an independent, non-government organization that was established in August 2004 as the spin-off and successor of the education programs implemented by the Soros Foundation in Mongolia.
The vision of MEA is a society where every child in Mongolia can enjoy their right to a quality education and develop their full potential, irrespective of social and economic barriers. Currently MEA operates in three programmatic areas of early childhood development, youth development and teacher and school development, with an over arching theme of inclusive education.
Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA is a non–governmental, non-profit organization, founded in August 1998.
The mission of Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA is to promote the principles of the open society, supporting individuals and organizations interested in continuous learning and development, in order to achieve a better personal and professional performance and to facilitate their integration into a society in transition. In order to accomplish that, the Center is offering informational, training and consulting programs and services, focused on development of life-long learning skills.
It contributes to the change of modern educational principles into praxis of the teachers, schools an all organizations from the Republic of Moldova interested in development. It believes that success is a result of three essential factors: relations build on mutual trust and respect, an efficient working process, and productive results.
The Macedonian Civic Education Center (MCEC) was founded in 2004 with mission to develop educational programs and provide services to education and other public institutions, local communities, non-governmental sector, business sector and citizens in order to contribute to the continuous development of the civil society.
MCEC vision is to provide support to the achievement of the democratic changes in the society through continuous development of the civil society in which the citizens actively participate in the decision making process.
The Education Policy Center (EPC VU) was established at the Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy, in 2001. In 2002 the Center took over the Education Policy Program of Open Society Fund Lithuania.
The mission of the Education Policy Center is to force evidence-based education decision-making, developing local education management capacity, raising public awareness about equity issues in education. The main activities of the Center are:
The mission of Foundation Education Initiatives Support (FEIS) is promoting the construction of an open society in the Kyrgyz Republic through the development of education and the promotion of innovative social technologies and implementation of project activities.
The priorities of FEIS are:
proMENTE is a consultancy providing social research solutions both to businesses and non-profits. proMENTE operates internationally and is based in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
proMENTE’s reputation is growing because:
The Center for Innovations in Education (CIE) is an Azerbaijani NGO working to provide all children access to quality education and social support.
Founded in 2004, the Center for Innovations in Education (CIE) is an Azerbaijani NGO working to provide all children access to quality education and social support. Our main program areas are inclusion and social justice in education and using a whole-school approach in educational reform.
CIE implements innovative pilot and service projects, conducts research, and develops school curricula, training courses, and materials for teachers.
CIE’s current projects include, two community-based preschool initiatives in Shamkir, Lankeron, Bilasuvar, Siazan, and Sumgayit, the development of a university course on inclusive education for future teachers, the creation of a education and social policy think tank in partnership with the Center for Social Policy Development (cspd.az), and multiple tenders through the Azerbaijan Ministry of Education.
Kosova Education Center (KEC) is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization founded in 2000 with the idea to focus on provision of in-service teacher training programs. This still remains an important aspect of our operations, but KEC has expanded its scope of work in four key areas: Quality of Education, Human Rights, Networking and participation in policymaking and Education research.
KEC’s mission is to develop the capacity for advancing the education system by providing high quality services and resources, and by cooperating actively with all stakeholders in and outside the country. It envisions the development of an effective and all-inclusive education system, which contributes to the sustainable economy and social development of the country, by preparing citizens to become lifelong learners and participate actively in democratic life.
The International Institute for Education Policy, Planning and Management (EPPM) is a leading nongovernmental organization operating in education sector. EPPM was established in 2002 by a pool of education policy experts and researchers out of the pressing need for genuine democratic education reforms. It is the first independent policy institute to focus primarily on education policies developed and implemented in Georgia. EPPM seeks to improve education through research, policy analysis, and the development of responsible alternatives to existing policies and practices.
EPPM is an organization for democratic changes in education, committed to solving existing problems through public dialogue and civic participation in important issues facing the educational system. Its goal is to serve as a resource for the public and legislators, education stakeholders, including high education and VET institution’s personnel, school boards and administrators, parents and students as they work to shape the education system according to the principles and values of a democratic and open society.
Praxis Centre for Policy Studies Foundation is an independent, non-profit, civil initiative think tank. Praxis was founded in 2000 and has now become one of the biggest think tanks dealing with socio-economic topics in Central and Eastern Europe.
Its mission is to enrich the public debate, create valuable knowledge and effective solutions for policymakers, the third sector and to other interested people. It is inspired by the idea that its work will contribute to meaningful changes in Estonia.
Applied research forms the largest part of its work. In addition to analysis, out of the box ideas are also needed for social development so that habitual behaviour does not lead to stagnation. As a third sector organization, it is a catalyst and experimenter for ideas which national authorities deem too risky.
The Center for Applied Policy and Integrity mobilizes an extensive network of experts, supporters and direct beneficiaries of education to identify, describe and address the root causes of corruption in education systems, worldwide. It mobilizes data and policy analysis to empower participants in education and academia – teachers, parents, students, researchers and decision-makers – with evidence and insight on how to address the causes, and restore trust in education and its integrity. The overall purpose of these efforts is to determine how best to strengthen the resistance of education systems and their participants against corruption.
The Institute for Social Research in Zagreb (ISRZ) is a public non-profit scientific research institution established by the Decision of the University of Zagreb in 1964 with the aim of conducting fundamental and applied research in the field of sociology and related disciplines, such as psychology, social anthropology, political science, information science and philosophy. Its mission is to carry out socially significant, fundamental and applied quantitative and qualitative scientific research of different aspects of Croatian society, in a systematical, longitudinal and interdisciplinary manner. Its research topics include social structures, urban/rural sociology, youth, education, science, religion, sustainable development, gender differentiation and social inequalities.
The Institute for Social Research in Zagreb strives to conduct high quality and internationally recognized scientific research, with a focus on the social relevance and applicability of its research findings. Our staff also participate in undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses at Croatian Universities.
The Institute consists of four scientific research centres that function as subsidiary units. These centres are: the Centre for Educational Research and Development (CERD), the Centre for Research in Social Inequalities and Sustainability (CRiSIS), the Centre for Youth and Gender Studies and the Science Research and Urban/Rural Studies Centre.
Open Academy Step by Step is a civil society organization with the mission of contributing to the realization of every child’s right to quality education. It was founded in 2000 by the decision of the founder of the Parent Association “Step by Step”. Its core activity is the professional development of educational of pre-school to secondary school staff.
Its mission is to improve the quality of the educational process and the creation of child-centered kindergartens and schools in which children and young people are able to actively participate in the educational process, express themselves freely and creatively, develop critical thinking, independence, responsibility and concern for others and the environment and realize their full potential in accordance with their interests and abilities, in an atmosphere that supports democratic relations and respect for diversity. In promoting child-centered kindergartens and schools, it encourages partnerships with families and the wider community.
Center for Educational Initiatives Step by Step is a professional, non-governmental organization established with the aim of promoting democratic changes in the education system in BH and equal access to high quality education for every child.
It’s mission is to promote the teaching profession and the education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina by:
The Forum for Freedom in Education (FFE) is a well-recognized civil society organisation active since 1992. It works on harmonising the educational system in Croatia with the educational standards of modern democratic societies, guided by the principles of choice and equal access to education that enables the self-realisation of a person. Its innovative, high-quality programmes provide support to teachers and schools, children and youth, university lecturers and professionals working with children and youth in the educational and the social welfare systems. The programmes of teaching advancement, civic and health education, skills of non-violent conflict resolution and improvement of school management are designed for those stakeholders.
“Fëmijët Janë e Ardhmja” (FJA) or “Children Are the Future” (CAF) is a non-profit development organization with no religious, political or governmental affiliations that works to create better lives for children and youth and equal opportunities for their development. Working with their families, schools and the communities where they live is an integral part of this purpose. The organization strives to contribute toward a world in which all children are respected and valued and where they can realize their full potential.
CAF has a rich experience in organizing and implementing projects, trainings, workshops and other participatory events in the framework of national and international partnership projects aiming at the promotion of child and youth rights and participation, volunteering, quality and inclusive education, active citizenship, inter-cultural learning, national and international exchange and cooperation.